​This is a completely free and open referral service.

​​Originally from Canada, we first started coming to Panama in 1978.  ​
​Over the years, we've teamed with good, life-long friends and 
trusted local partners.

help you experience all the best of beautiful Panama. 
We can help connect you to high-end adventure tours and incredible entertainment, cultural and dining experiences.

​​And, w
e've developed an inside-scoop on reliable relocation services, fast-track immigration and quality 'investment-through-real-estate' opportunities.​​

C​​ombining all of these things is a specialty.​​

​​When you're ready, Whatsapp, text or ​call us at

Hasta pronto!
​(See you soon!)

  • We are ​ Erik, Marc, Robert,​ Mark, Harry, Chris, JennyPatrick, ​Greg, ​​Jason, Johnny, Mark, Stephanie L, Stephanie M (presently in Quebec), Jacki, Andrea, Andrea, Andrea, (yes, there are 3 of them), Klover, Jocelyn, Mariam, Paul, John, Yoko - yes if that last one sounds made up it is, just wanted to see if you're still there, Tito, Chris, Karen the Dolphin, Stephane, Dimples, Valentina, Diana, Jocelyn, Alejandra, Andre, Charlie, (who recently gave up the burger), Chico, Angelo, Rob, Benito, and the rest of our many local friends and trusted local partners listed throughout this site


  • ​ ​​
NOTE: This is a prototype site (and rendering of a digital business model) expected to be incorporated in Panama in the fall of 2022. Absolutely zero revenue has been realized as of Aug. 2022.